MP board 11th Supplementary Exam 2024:- MP Board 11th syllabus, MP Board 11th supplementary exam time table. This is to inform all 11th students who are doing there 11th from mp board and they give there exam in the month of march there exam has been held. Supplementary Exam for class 11th has to no wait there exam date has been announced, all mp board 11th supplementary students who didn’t pass in first exam now they will get second chance for qualifying there 11th class and can continue to 12th board.
MP Board 11th Supplementary Exam
So here be will tell you about mp board 11th supplementary exam time table for 2024 in this article you will find exam date for your 11th supplementary.
In class 11th every students have a choice to select there subject according to there interest. Following subject are the choice able:-
Hindi, English, Mathematics, Sanskrit, Geography Life, DesignCrop Production, Physiology and Health, Political Science, Chemistry, History Business, Biology, Drawing and Painting, Physics, Economics, NSQF (National Skills Qualification Framework) History etc are the subject for selecting in class 11th
MP Board 11th syllabus is very help to the students to prepare for 11th class education by learning according to each subject. Given Syllabus is explain topics wise that help you to understand clearly according to subjects of 11th class.
Overview of the MP Board 11th Syllabus
The MP Board also give textbooks for class 11th to every students at the time of starting in class 11th, which include the syllabus. But those books does not explain topics clearly and students get difficult to understand. So here be exaplain in detailed about 11th syllabus for giving supplementary exam again.
Principle of Mathematical Induction, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations, Linear Inequalities, Permutation & Combination, Binomial Theorem, Sequence and Series
Coordinate Geometry
Straight Lines, Conic Sections, Introduction to Three-Dimensional Geometry
Limits and Derivatives
Mathematical Reasoning
Statistics and Probability
Statistics, Probability
MP Board 11th Physics Syllabus
Physical World & Measurement
Laws of Motion
Work, Energy, and Power
Motion of System of Particles & Rigid Bodies
Properties of Bulk Matter
Behavior of Perfect Gas & Kinetic Theory of Gases
Oscillations & Waves
MP Board 11th Chemistry Syllabus
Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Structure of Atom
Classification of Elements
Chemical Bonding and Periodicity of Properties
States of Matter
Redox Reactions
S-block Elements
Organic Chemistry: Basic Principles and Techniques
Environmental Chemistry
MP Board 11th Biology Syllabus
Diversity in Living World
Structural Organization in Animals and Plants
Cell: Structure and Function
Plant Physiology
Animal Physiology
How to download MP Board 11th class Supllementary Hall Ticket 2024?
Step 1
Go to google and search
Step 2
Click on official website of the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education.
Step 3
Click on the ‘MP Board class 11th Admit Card’ option in the notification section on the homepage.
Step 4
Now new page will be opened. where you need to fill in your username and password.
Step 5
After the successful login in the website, now you can download admit card.
Important Links
Important Links of MP Board class 11th supplementary